Cloud Application Management | CloudAtlas®

Cloud, as a service is making our world full with ease to use technology at instance. SMBs to large enterprise are increasing profits with cloud application management. Infrastructure build with solid IT application architecture always need a secured network for data storing and sharing. Network protocols and encryption techniques are the core for such migrations to be moved to the cloud .Cloud is basically a hub, containing virtually connected machines and datacenters over a secured hub of servers to store on-premises data and configuration map of applications. CloudAtlas™ is primarily focused for such infrastructure securities and data compliance and will enhance your business with recent technological updates for application migration to cloud. Choose from the following hubs, according to on-premises IT infrastructure and requirements.

Ø  Public Cloud – Resources for storage and network will be provided by Cloud service provider.
Ø  Private Cloud – Belongs to specific organization and could be physically located on company premises.

Ø  Hybrid Cloud – Hybrid cloud allow data and application, move between public and private clouds to make more use of resources available at minimum cost and increasing cost efficiency and effectiveness of products.

UnifyCloud is committed to provide best cloud solutions for on-premises IT enabled enterprises in compliance with SaaS/PaaS/IaaS. CloudAtlas® as a tool include components such as CloudRecon®, CloudPilot® are collecting and checking the code and application environment’s compatible requirements with respect to SaaS/PaaS services. CloudSupervisor®, reporting for after migration management and CloudOrigin®, creating and storing knowledgebase for cloud application management is providing cloud application management services to on-premises enterprises.

Application migration include stages:

ü Creating Inventory for on-premises data and application configuration settings.
ü Rebuilding the code according to migration analysis done by our tools to move the complete IT infrastructure of on-premises environment.
ü Validation of application integrated development environment with respect to PaaS standards and compliance.
ü Analyzing the specific service for storage/network security for application migration to cloud
ü Monitoring and tracking the migrated data and applications under cloud application management

SMBs to large enterprises are now having good revenues with such secured IT networks and services available with cloud application management’s protocols and standards.


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